Fundraise with Organic Hand Soap; Great Soap for Your Great Cause

If you are looking for an item to sell for your fundraiser, don't just go with anything, go with Organic Hand soap from Somewhat Organic! When you purchase organic hand soap and products from us for your fundraiser, not only are you guaranteeing the best product for those buying, but you are supporting U.S farmers, recycling and upcycling, and a company that strives to help wildlife and the environment. We start by purchasing our products from farmers of organic ingredients that we use, package our products in recycled and up cycled products, and make sure you are getting the most for your money. You will receive a 30% return on your sales for  your fundraiser, plus 20% over the next year if the customer continues to shop with us. Visit our website to see the details of our fundraiser program to see how it is perfect for you and how to get started!